Welcome aboard!! 🚢
We’re excited to have you with us as you set up ChiroUp EHR. While switching to a new EHR might feel like navigating new waters, this checklist will guide you through the process smoothly. Our team is here to help you every step of the way—let’s get started! 💪
Before you begin:
We've organized the setup tasks into two sections for clarity and ease of use: Basic Setup and Advanced Configuration. Here’s what you need to know before you begin:
What are setup tasks?
Setup tasks are steps needed to configure your ChiroUp EHR system. They ensure your clinic's information, user profiles, and settings are correctly entered for effective use.
Who should complete setup tasks?
Assign a ‘captain’ to oversee these tasks— an admin familiar with your clinic's critical clinic information.
When to complete setup tasks?
Complete all tasks before migrating and going live with ChiroUp.
How to complete setup tasks?
Follow the checklist in order. Each tasks has a dropdown with resources:
- 📚 Help articles
- ➡️ Guided tours
How long will this take?
Basic Setup: A few minutes per task if you have the required information on-deck.
Advanced Configuration: More time-instensive, especially for database population.
Need help?
Contact us with any questions— we're here to help!
⚠️ To complete many of these set-up tasks you must be an ADMIN on the account.
Basic Setup
Sail through these foundational tasks to get your clinic settings and profiles ready. These tasks are straightforward and will get you up and running quickly.
You can expect each of these tasks to take about 5-10 minutes each.
→General clinic settings
Review & update your clinic settings!
→ Location and clinic schedule
Update your location details and input your clinic's hours!
About location details 📚 How to add clinic schedule 📚 Take me there! ➡️
→ User management
Add users & assign roles!
→ Clinic billing profile(s)
Add your clinic billing profile(s)!
How to set up your clinic billing profile 📚 Take me there! ➡️
→ Provider billing information
Enter provider-specifc billing information!
→ Provider schedules
Add each provider's schedule!
→ Profile picture & provider signature
It's important that every provider at the clinic adds their own image and signature. (the profile picture shows on the Schedule, and the signature is required to sign a note!).
How to add a profile picture 📚 How to add a provider signature 📚 Take me there! ➡️
→ Treatment types
Add in your clinic's treatment types (treatment types are the ‘appointment types’ available for booking!)
→ Provider Compensation rate
Set provider compensation rates for your treatment types and supplement/supply offerings.
→ Appointment reminders
Remember to turn OFF appointment reminders in your previous EHR and then enable appointment reminders in your ChiroUp EHR.
Toggle ON Appointment Reminders under Scheduling in your Clinic Settings. This will send an appointment reminder to patients 24 hours before their appointment.
→ No-show and cancellation fees
Add your no-show and cancellation fees!
This task will take 10-15 minutes.
Advanced Configuration
Cruise through these tasks to ensure your databases and preferences are configured and ready for use. Expect to invest a bit more time into these steps— they are critical to a successful go-live date!
★ Payors database
Populate your payors database!
The most time-consuming part of populating your Payor database is gathering and verifying your Payor list and their IDs/addresses. This process may take anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours, depending on how may Payors you accept and how up-to-date your information is.
Once you have your list, it will take about 20-40 minutes to enter the information into your database, depending on the number of Payors.
★ Billing codes database
Populating your billing codes database!
Similar to your Payors database, the most time-consuming part of populating your Billing Codes database is gathering and verifying the billed and payor-allowed amounts for each frequently billed service code. This process may take anywhere from 1-2 hours.
Once you have your list of codes, it will take about 45-60 minutes to enter the information into your database, depending on the number of codes and payor-allowed amounts.
How to populate the Billing codes database 📚 Take me there! ➡️
★ Kiosk set up
Pair your kiosks!
Depending on how many kiosks you're pairing, you can expect this to take about 10 minutes.
★ Modalities database
Populate your modalities database!
Depending entirely on how many modalities your clinic offers, this process can take anywhere from 10 minutes to 1 hour.
★ Supplements & supplies database
Populate your supplements & supplies database!
Depending entirely on how many supplements/supplies your clinic offers, this process can take anywhere from 10 minutes to 1 hour.
How to build out Supplements/supplies database 📚 Take me there! ➡️
★ Tests database
Populate your tests database!
Depending entirely on how many test your clinic offers/orders, this process can take anywhere from 10-30 minutes.
How to build out Tests database 📚 Take me there! ➡️
★ Provider & facilities database
Populate your provider & facilities database!
You may have already input providers and facilities into your database for PCP reports, but it is also important to add any facilities to which you refer patients for tests.
Depending on your current database and the number of facilities you need to add, this task can take 15-45 minutes.
How to build out Providers/facilities database 📚 Take me there! ➡️
★ Survey preferences
Confirm your survey preferences!
This task will take about 15-20 minutes.
★ Manage duplicate patients
★ Enable online booking
Enable online booking for your clinic by setting your online booking site URL & enabling online booking for providers and treatment types!
★ Set up packages
If your clinic offers packages, be sure to create your packages in Clinic Settings.
Great job completing your setup tasks! 🥳🕺👏
You’re now ready to start exploring and using ChiroUp EHR. Continue to your training modules for further guidance.