Hands On Training

Once you've completed your Getting Started checklist, you're ready to start to get started with some hands-on training! 

🚨 Note! 🚨 

It is critical that you only use fake patient data when practicing in your account prior to your Go-Live date. Using any real patient data may cause loss of data or data inconsistencies/errors once you go-live with ChiroUp. 


Here's your guide to Hands On training in your ChiroUp Account: 

Step 1: Create your ‘fake’ patient

Create your "fake" patient for practice by adding yourself, using your phone number and email. This way, you can not only get familiar with ChiroUp but also experience the patient side of things firsthand!

How to add a patient 

Watch how it's done: 


Step 2: Schedule an appointment

Next, schedule an appointment for your "fake" patient, treating them as if they were a new patient at your clinic. Be sure to send all the necessary intake paperwork to complete the process!

You don't need to send the Chief Complaint Survey manually—it automatically goes out 24 hours before a new patient’s appointment. ChiroUp recognizes a new patient as someone without any recorded complaints, regardless of the appointment type. Once you check in this fake patient on the kiosk (the next step!), you'll be able to complete the Chief Complaint Survey and any other intake surveys you’ve requested.


Step 3: Check-in the patient

A patient can check in two ways: either through the kiosk or by having a staff member manually check them in. Once the patient is checked in, complete all intake paperwork—especially the Chief Complaint Survey!

We always recommend using the kiosk, as it ensures the patient can easily complete all outstanding surveys at check-in. If a staff member manually clicks "Check-in," the patient will receive a text or email (based on your clinic's communication preference) with a link to complete the surveys. The patient can fill them out via the text/email, or if left incomplete, the doctor can manually add a complaint (for new patients) or complete the survey (for patients mid-care) from the encounter.

How to Check In  Using a Kiosk 

Watch how it's done: 



Step 4: Complete the SOAP Note

After the patient checks in, the next step is to create your SOAP note— which will happen from within the Encounter. You can access the Encounter by clicking the Encounter button in the appointment panel or through the Provider dashboard. The Chief Complaint you just completed on the kiosk will automatically populate into the Subjective section of the note. Simply review it, then proceed with the rest of the note.

This is also the point where the provider can indicate charges for the visit, which is done in the Plan Wizard.

Comprehensive guide: creating an Initial SOAP Note   

Watch how it's done: 




Step 5: Complete Modalities & Exercises

Every clinic has its own workflow, so it's essential to think about how your office handles modalities and exercises. These can either be managed by the provider within the Plan Wizard or by staff using the Modalities and Exercise Detail modules.

Adding modalities  Adding exercises 

Watch how it's done: 



Step 6: Enter Claim Info & Diagnostic Pointing

It's important to know how to enter claim information (e.g., dates for Medicare). This will be done from the encounter in Encounter Tools. Check out the How to enter claim info article to see a breakdown of what fields in Claim Info fuel different fields on the claim form. 

You can also diagnosis point and attach an insurance policy from encounter tools (these actions can also be done from the Purchase

How to enter claim Info  How to diagnosis point 

Watch how it's done: 



Step 7: Review the Purchase & Take Payment 

Next, navigate to the patient's purchase. The easiest way to so is to click the Purchase button on the associated appointment/encounter. However, all patient purchases are visible from the Transactions tab of the patient record, under Purchases.

Review the service and diagnostic codes on the purchase— removing or adding codes as necessary. Make sure the patient's insurance policy has been added to the purchase and that their benefits are entered correctly. If everything looks good to go, you can proceed with taking payment!

About purchases  How to record patient payment

 How to create an insurance policy 

Watch how it's done: 



Step 8:  Schedule the Patient's Follow-Up Appointment

At the top of the Purchase panel, you will see a Schedule Next Appointment button (or a Next Requested Date, if indicated by the Provider in Schedule & Goals section of their SOAP note). Clicking this button will bring you back to the schedule for easy scheduling of the follow-up appointment. 

Watch how it's done: 




⚠️Last Step: Remove Insurance Policy & Void Payment ⚠️

Since this is fake patient, you do not want to have an actual claim created nor do you want the payment recorded. After you've practiced on a patient, it is critical that you remove insurance policies from purchases and void all fake payments. 

To prevent a claim from being created, you will want to remove the insurance policy from the purchase. 

To prevent your reporting numbers from being inaccurate, you will also want to void the payment you just recorded. 

Do not delete your fake patient! Doing so will prevent you from being able to access this patient and any associated information (appts, charges, etc) in the future. Plus, it's always nice to have a fake patient to practice on at any time ;) 











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