Need-to-know features

The best way to prepare to make the switch to ChiroUp EHR, is to log into your account and start exploring! Below is a list of all of the need-to-know functionality.

Reminder: during your training and set-up period, please only use test patients– no actual patient data should be entered prior to your migration and go-live dates. 


Add a test patient 
Schedule an appointment 
Edit an appointment
Pair a kiosk 
Check-in a patient appointment via the kiosk (to explore the patient experience)
Check-in a patient appointment via the schedule (to experience what its like when a patient does not complete the survey on the kiosk)
✨ Create a memo on the patient record


⭐ Read about Subjective surveys and how they integrate into the SOAP Wizard
⭐ Complete a SOAP Note using the SOAP Wizard
⭐ Add modalities
RX exercises 
⭐ Order a test
⭐ Select a supplements/supply 
Import your DX and service codes to a purchase
⭐ Modify claim info
⭐ Explore encounter details where staff can add and manage exercises, modalities, tests, vitals, and communications


💫 View and modify a patient purchase 
💫 Create and modify a patient payment 
💫 Modify and deliver patient invoice


🌟 Add and modify a patient insurance policy 
🌟 Diagnosis point 
🌟 Upload, Apply, Post, and Decipher an Insurance ERA response
🌟 Generate individual electronic claims 
🌟 Generate batch electronic claims 


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