ChiroUp offers two SOAP note templates: SOAP Wizard and Blank SOAP. The SOAP Wizard template is an automated SOAP Note template that is fueled by subjective surveys and the diagnosis's ChiroUp Condition Reference.
You'll notice that the ChiroUp SOAP Wizard prioritizes the (A) assessment before the (O) objective. In the typical chiropractic visit workflow, it's common to start with reviewing the patient's subjective complaint, then move to examination, treatment, and finally documenting the SOAP note. This sequence aligns with providers usually having a diagnosis in mind before recording objective findings and treatment plans. The ChiroUp SOAP Wizard streamlines charting by allowing you to document the Assessment first, using this information to generate suggested O and P components automatically. This patented approach speeds up charting and provides valuable reminders for essential tests and treatments.
Within the SOAP Wizard, each SOAP component has its own ‘wizard’ template.
- Subjective Wizard: This is where the Chief Complaint Survey, Interim Follow-Up, or Re-Exam Survey completed by the patient populates based on the visit type.
- Assessment Wizard: This is where providers will set the Diagnosis.
- Objective Wizard: This is where providers will document Joint restrictions, Range of Motion, Muscle Involvement, Orthopedic test results, and Neurological test results. Objects in this Wizard will populate based on the set diagnosis from the Assessment Wizard.
- Plan Wizard: This is where providers will document the treatment plan for the complaint, including Tests, Modalities, Exercises, Supplements and supplies, and Treatment techniques.
When a patient checks in for their appointment, an encounter is automatically created with the SOAP Wizard template set as the default note template. Although you can switch between templates using the "Template" drop-down, please note that switching will result in the loss of any progress made on the previous SOAP template.