Social Media Tips

Our social media content is here to save you time. The amount of research that goes into each and every post is substantial. The purpose of these posts is to build your reputation and credibility through social presence. While great content is important, there are other steps you can take so your social media page stands out. Incorporate the following tips into your social media to see more engagement within your community. 

1) Follow people in your community

To get engagement on your posts, you must have some sort of following. If you make the effort to follow people in your community, they will most likely follow you back. Start with following friends and family. Try searching your city name under “tags”. This is an easy way to find people in your area. You can also find other local companies in your area and follow their followers. 

2) Like & comment on your followers' posts

Once you start gaining some followers, scroll through your feed and comment, and like their posts. Social media is a two-way street. If you engage with your followers’ posts, they are more likely to engage with yours.

3) Personalize your posts

If you are a Plus or Premium subscriber, you have the option to have automated social media posts from ChiroUp. After the post goes out, edit the caption to add in your website, phone number, email address, hashtags, etc. 

4) Boost your posts

On Facebook, you can "boost" your posts by putting money behind them. This will help the post reach more people in your target audience! You can even set the audience to “local” to show to people in your community.

5) Conduct polls of your stories

Survey your followers! Everyone loves to participate in polls. Ask them simple questions like “coffee or tea”, etc. This will get people engaging with your account!

6) Share photos of your staff and around the office

People want to see relatable content and the people behind your office. Sharing relatable images of your staff and around the office, builds trust and relationships of your practice. 

7) Keep up with the trends!

You know those memes that go viral? Participate in them! Make them personal to your practice. 

8) Stay relevant & relatable!

Share content about what is going on in today’s world. Super Bowl coming up? Ask your followers which team they are rooting for. Are the Winter Olympics going on? Post about how chiropractors are beneficial to the Olympic teams! 

9) Post videos & reels

Reels are 30-second videos that catch the attention of a massive audience. See what other people are posting about to get ideas. Follow the trends and be relative. These reels can be informational or entertaining, whatever you prefer!

10) Share testimonials

You know those google reviews you are getting from ChiroUp? Share them on social media! People love to see the credibility behind a company and are more influenced by people just like them! 

To set up your automatic social media posting, click here.‍ 

*Social Media Terms of Use

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