Connect a kiosk

🔐 Only Admin & Front Office users have permission to set up a kiosk.

Pair your kiosk device with your ChiroUp account to enable patients to complete surveys in the office.‍ Follow the steps below to set up your kiosk.

Here's how to connect a kiosk to your ChiroUp account:

1) Navigate to Clinic settings. 

2) From your clinic settings, select the Kiosks tab. Select + Add.

3) On your kiosk device, navigate to and select Pair device. A 5-digit pair code will be generated.

4) In your ChiroUp accountenter the 5-digit pair code and a name for the kiosk (optional). Click 

5) Click Pair to authenticate your Kiosk.

6) Click Close on the confirmation screen if details are correct. Otherwise, click Disconnect to disconnect only the kiosk you just paired. 

7That’s it. You’re ready to start using the Kiosk! You will now see the paired kiosk in the Kiosks tab in Clinic Settings. 



  • The kiosk will only pair with your ChiroUp account if the 5-digit pair code is entered properly. Otherwise, the device will not pair with your ChiroUp account.
  • Clearing the kiosk's browsing history will also disconnect that kiosk. 


💡 Pro-tips: 

Enable Guided Access (Apple devices) or Screen Pinning (Android devices) to lock only one app (the HealthCom Kiosk site) to the screen, thereby preventing the use of other apps or settings.  

For instructions on enabling Guided Access on an Apple device, click HERE

For instructions on enabling Screen Pinning on an Android device, click HERE

Watch a video demonstration below:



Kiosk functionality is limited to US and Canada subscribers. 

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