Favoriting Diagnosis Codes

Favoriting a diagnosis code will help to save you time within the Assessment Wizard by automatically populating your favorited ICD codes for selected conditions. 

Here's how to favorite a diagnosis code from the Assessment Wizard

After selecting your condition, click the + icon to open up the associated diagnosis codes. Then, click the heart icon to “favorite” the diagnosis code. 

Once favorited, this code will auto populate the next time you select this condition! 


Here's how to favorite a diagnosis code from the Condition Reference

1) Navigate to Clinical Skills on the left-side panel, and then select Condition reference.

2) Select a condition. 

3) Navigate to the Assessment  tab. 

4) Under Associated Reference Codes, click the heart icon next to the diagnostic code to favorite it. 

Once favorited, this code will auto populate the next time you select this condition in the Assessment Wizard!


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