Similar to generating electronic claims, you will also generate claims for paper payors from the billing module. A payor can be indicated as paper billing within the Payors database.
Here's how to generate a paper claim:
1) Select the billing tab located in the left-side panel and navigate to Claims.
2) Use the claim status button filters at the top to manage claims. Use other filters as necessary (Profile, days since transaction, patient, rendering provider, payor, automation status).
3) Paper billing claims will be noted with the yellow icon labeled Paper Billing as shown above.
4) You can work claims in batches by clicking the check marks to the right of each line item and then click the Work Selected button.
Or, you can work individual claims by clicking on the line item.
5) After opening up either an individual claim or a batch of claims, you can first use the Test button to test the claim against ChiroUp business rules for claims generation. If the claim passes the business rules, the claim will then move into the Unsubmitted status. If the claim is missing any information, it will return those errors.
Clicking the Submit button will also test this claim against ChiroUp's business rules, however, if the claim passes, it will automatically move into the Submitted status.
- Enter missing patient information from the General tab of their patient record. Click the check mark next to each line item to notate it's been addressed.
- To lock service and diagnosis pointing, you can use the icons alongside that line item.
- The icon on the left (🚫) will lock the services and diagnosis pointing from this screen.
- The icon on the right (↗) will bring you to the transaction so that you can review service and diagnostic codes before locking.
6) After addressing errors, you can Test the claim again or Submit the claim.
7) If you re-test the claim and all errors have been resolved, the claim will move to Unsubmitted status. You can then click the Generate button to generate that paper claim.
8) From there you can either click the Complete or Fields button to download the claim.
- Clicking Complete will open up a complete CMS 1500 form that you can print out. This can be printed onto normal printer paper and sent to payors.
- Clicking Fields will open up a CMS 1500 with only the data fields shown. You would want to open a fields form if you have the red CMS 1500 empty form in office that you will be printing the claim information onto.