Record patient payment

You can record a patient payment from the Purchase or from the Payments tab in their patient record. Payments will be collected and either applied to a purchase(s) or as a credit to the patient's record. 

Click either option to open and learn how to record payment:

Record payment from a purchase

1) Open up the purchase for which you want to record a payment. 

2) Click Edit. 


3) Click Pay.


4) Record payment details and click Create



Once you've successfully added the payment, it will be shown in the purchase and from the payments tab. 


Record payment outside of a purchase

When you record a payment outside of a purchase, you can apply the payment to multiple purchases and also create an account credit. 

1) From the patient's record, navigate to the Transactions tab and then to Payments. 

2) Click the + Payment button. 


3) Select the purchase(s) to which you want to apply the payment. If you don't want to apply the payment yet, check the Create credit box to save it as a credit on the patient's record.

When you select a purchase to apply the payment to, the remaining balance will automatically populate as the payment amount. You can adjust this amount as needed.

If you select multiple purchase for payment, ensure the correct payment amount is entered for each transaction.

Click the Collect button. 


4) Confirm payment details. Click Create.


You will see your successfully recorded payment in the Payments tab. 




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