There are two ways to modify or edit "visit schedules" on the condition report. You can adjust them either per condition or directly on the fly within the condition report builder. Here's how:
Editing per condition
Visit schedules are customizable for each condition (e.g., 3 times per week for 4 weeks). The customized schedule will replace your global default visit schedule for condition reports with a single customized diagnosis. When multiple conditions with different visit schedules are present, the care plan with the highest weekly visit frequency will take precedence.
Here's how to edit the visit schedule per condition:
1) Navigate to the condition you want to customize in the Condition Reference.
2) Select the Edit button in the top right corner.
3) Go to the Assessment tab and modify the visit schedule as desired. You can also select the “Unspecified duration” icon if you do not want to include an end date.
4) Click Save.
The customized care plan visit schedule will automatically populate the next time you prescribe this condition!
Since patients generally present with multiple conditions, most users rely on their global default visit schedule and make adjustments directly in the condition report; however, due to several user requests, we also offer the ability to customize visit schedule defaults per condition.
Editing “on the fly” in the condition report
1) Navigate to the Visit Schedule section of the condition report.
2) Enter your desired number of visits and length of treatment in the fields provided, and use the ↓ button to change between day(s), week(s), month(s). You can also select the “Unspecified duration” icon if you do not want to include an end date.
3) Ensure all information is completed on the condition report and click Save.
To customize the default for visit schedules, check out this article on setting care plan defaults.