Adding modalities

There are two ways to add modalities to a patient's encounter— depending on your user level. Providers can add modalities right from the Plan Wizard. Otherwise, staff members can add modalities in the modalities detail. 

How providers can add modalities

1) Navigate to the Plan Wizard within the patient's encounter. 


2) Under the Modalities section click the RX icon.


3) Click the + icon to add a modality. 


4) Enter modality details and click Add. 


5) Add any additional modalities using the + button. Once satisfied, don't forget to hit the save icon (hint: it's a floppy disk!)

Or, if the modality has been completed already, you can hit Complete. This will make a note to the patient's SOAP note as well as the patient chart. If the modality has not yet been completed, just save. The modality can be marked as complete later in the modalities detail. 


6) Be sure to select the modality in the Plan Wizard with any billable units. 


How staff can add modalities

1) Navigate to the Modalities detail module within the patient's encounter.

2) Any existing modalities will appear here. To add a new modality, click the + icon.


3) Enter modality details and click Add


4) After the modality has been completed, click Complete. This will make a note to the patient's SOAP note as well as the patient chart. Or, if the modality will not be completed during the encounter, click Skip


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