Adding exercises

There are two ways to add exercises to a patient's encounter— depending on your user level. Providers can add exercises right from the Plan Wizard. Otherwise, staff members can add exercises in the exercises detail.

How providers can add exercises

1) Navigate to the Plan Wizard within the patient's encounter. 


2) Under the Rehab section click the RX icon. 


3) Add exercises— including populating the In-office section as necessary. You can use the +Condition Protocol button to easily add the best practice recommended exercises from any condition's ChiroUp Condition Reference. You can also use the +Add button to add any exercises from the ChiroUp library. 

Be sure to populate the In Office section accordingly with the exercises performed in office! Use the copy icon to easily copy exercises from the Current and Upcoming sections into the In Office section. 


4) Remember to hit the save icon (hint: it's a floppy disk!) Or, if the exercises have been completed in office, you can hit the Complete button. This will make a note to the patient's SOAP note as well as to the patient chart. If the exercises have not yet been completed, just save, The exercises can be marked as complete later in the exercises detail.


5) Remember to select the correct Rehab indication with any billable units. 


How staff can add exercises

1) Navigate to the Exercises detail module within the patient's encounter.

2) Any existing exercises will populate here. 

Otherwise, add exercises— including populating the In-office section as necessary. You can use the +Condition Protocol button to easily add the best practice recommended exercises from any condition's ChiroUp Condition Reference. You can also use the +Add button to add any exercises from the ChiroUp library. 

Be sure to populate the In Office section accordingly with the exercises performed in office! Use the copy icon to easily copy exercises from the Current and Upcoming sections into the In Office section. 


3) Remember to hit the save icon (hint: it's a floppy disk!) 

Or, after the exercises have been completed in-office, click the Complete button. This action will record in the details section of the SOAP note that these exercises were done in-office. An entry will also be made to the patient's chart notating in-office exercises complete. 



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