You can edit the following items that appear within the SOAP Wizard and condition reports:
- Exercises
- ADLs
- Treatment descriptions
- Treatment techniques
- Clinical evaluations
- Tests
- Modalities
- Supplements & Supplies
Here's how to edit these items:
1) Navigate to the appropriate tab under the left side panel (e.g., Clinical evaluations, Treatment techniques, Exercises, Advice, modalities, supplements & supplies, tests, or My treatment desc.) and click on the item you wish to edit.
For this example, we will edit an exercise!
2) Click Edit in the upper right-hand corner.
3) Make the desired changes in the fields shown.
4) Remember to hit Save!
You will have the option to save "As New" (we recommend re-naming the item when selecting this option), "As a default for ___ clinic" (visible to all users), or "For me only" (visible to you only).