In certain situations, you may need to “unpost” an ERA—for example, when a claim is denied or for take-back claims—to post a new ERA for the same claim. To do this, you’ll need to update the claim status to Reprocessed, which will “unpost” the most recently posted ERA. This article will guide you through the process step by step.
Here's how to reprocess a claim:
1. Navigate to the reprocessed claim.
2. Click the Status button to update the claim status.
3. Select Reprocessed as the new claim status and click the Save icon.
Here are some tips about reprocessing claims:
- Setting a claim to the Reprocessed will allow you to upload another ERA as needed for this claim.
- It will also “unpost” the payor payment for this claim. The payment will appear as an unapplied line item on the Purchase.
- You can view ERA history for a reprocessed claim when viewing the claim, as show below.
- You cannot repost an ERA once it has been reprocessed.
- A new ERA can only be posted when the claim status is in Reprocessed.